A new sketch show led by four actresses: Maggie Ezarzer, Osherit Sarosi, Joy RiegerA new sketch show led by : Maggie Ezarzer, Osherit Sarosi, Joy Rieger And Naama Amit.
Biting satire and comic criticism of social conventions and traditional roles, the program will give a central and extreme stage to the complex female world, which almost always eludes us. It will deal with issues familiar to every woman and girl: relationship, sex and sexuality, control, self-image, relations with the male world, shame, and scratches.
Creators and participants: Maggie Ezarzer, Naama Amit, Osherit Sarosi, and Joy Rieger
Authors: Michal Zoran, Yael Katz, Noam Nebo, Mia Sobol, Osherit Sarosi, Rotem Weisberg, Anat Oren, Moshe Malka, Eyal After, Chen Rothman